Patient list | | Glossary of terms Vulture Programme
2023-0194 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2023-12-29
Final date -
Days in captivity130
SpeciesCGVU - Cape Griffon Vulture

Cause of injury: Grounded

Monitoring for release.

Found in Rustenberg,North West
NA county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate13050.006500.00
Total  6740.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images

2024-04-26 16:46 Clarence

Location changed to: 7) CV rehab

2024-01-18 07:38 CH

Excede 0.4 mls IM, last day of excede today.

2024-01-09 14:13 SJW

We gave 0.4 mls Excede IM.
The bird is getting stronger.
Continue monitoring.

2024-01-07 08:51 RG

Continuing to monitor the bird. Seems to be showing improvements today.

2024-01-06 10:58 CH

Started on Excede(0.4mls) every third day for two weeks.

2024-01-03 08:59 SJW
BCS: 2.5
Still not strong
Received 0.9ml Vit B IM and 400gr liver pieces
Continue monitoring

2024-01-02 07:19 SJW

We gave the bird Vitamin A as still weak.
Pig liver to be given to the bird beacuse is weak.
Body condition still the same (2,5).

2024-01-01 16:00 SJW

The bird was given Vitamin B as was weak to make it gain strenght.

2023-12-29 15:31 CH
Weight: 7.300 kg, BCS: 1.5

2023-12-29 15:29 CH

2023-12-29 15:28 CH

We gave the bird 120mls subcut fluids upon arrival.

2023-12-29 15:27 CH

Band changed to: G32470

Version 3.1.8 - 3.18.66 Tue May 07 08:46:55 2024